Troutman Photography




We're offering a holiday special on boudoir photography sessions for an amazing price of $199. Your special includes a free consultation, a professional mini makeover and 3 hours of photography. Our beautiful boudoir photography suite will make you feel comfortable and sexy. AND we'll rush your album to you in time for the holiday!

(product not included)

Or ~ send us your contact information, and we’ll reach out to schedule your boudoir photography appointments or answer any questions.

(You can also call or text Clare directly at 503-559-3106)

The Troutmans take their time and make you feel amazing. My boudoir photography portraits are gorgeous and timeless.
— Makayla

Meet the Troutmans

Boudoir Photography

Cus­tom boudoir photography brings out the in­ner you.

Boudoir pho­tog­ra­phy is all about em­pow­er­ment.

It’s about own­ing your body.

A gift for you or your part­ner, we’re here to cap­ture your beau­ty.

Show off your strength and feel more confident.

Be Sexy. Be Beautiful. Be You.


Troutman Photography

My husband loved them. He said that this was absolutely the best gift I could have given him.
— Kelsey H, Corvallis Oregon

Boudoir Photography Before & Afters


It means so much to us to hear how happy our clients are
after their boudoir photography

What a wonderful day and a truly amazing experience. I cannot describe how fantastic I felt seeing my pictures. I feel like I’m walking on air. Everyone should come to Troutmans for a Boudoir shoot.
— April, Salem Oregon
If you’ve never done this, do it. If you’ve never done this with Troutmans you are missing out. They are the most wonderful couple. I felt so relaxed and comfortable, we laughed the entire time.
— Sarah, Salem Oregon
“I’m delighted with my Boudoir Photographers and their great personalities. They were naturals at making me feel at home. I would recommend them everytime.”
— Crystal, Albany Oregon

Nothing makes you feel beautiful like boudoir photography
we make sure you have everything you need to look your very best


One Client

Your boudoir pho­to­shoot is for you and you alone. We en­sure a safe, pri­vate space. No clock, no other clients and all the time you need to relax, look your best, and have your very best day.

Wardrobe Assistance

Makeup for lighting and cameras can be a bit tricky. All of our boudoir photography packages come with studio quality makeup and hair sessions. And we offer styling advice to help you pick out the right lingerie!

Be Sexy. Be Beautiful. Be You.

While we’re happy to offer posing guidance, this if your day, we take the photography you want and what makes you make you feel your best. If you are unsure about what you want we are happy to guide you. We’ll work together to create the pictures you’ll love.

Come Visit Our Beautiful Boudoir Suite

Photography Studio for Boudoir Photos
Boudoir photography studio Albany Oregon
“It was amazing to view myself as timeless art. I highly recommend this incredible husband and wife team.
— Ciera, Salem Oregon
You made me feel like a goddess.
Thank you.
— Cheurisya, Albany Oregon


Boudoir Photo Team

Your perfect photography team

Hi. We’re Daniel and Clare Trout­man, your boudoir pho­tog­ra­phers. Since 2009 we’ve been tak­ing pho­tos at our stu­dio in down­town Al­bany and would love to in­vite you for a Boudoir shoot of your very own.

To­geth­er, we’re fo­cused on cre­at­ing the most com­fort­able en­vi­ronment for your Boudoir photography portrait session.



Daniel is an in­ter­na­tion­al­ly pub­lished pho­tog­ra­ph­er. His im­ages have been pub­lished by Newsweek, VH1, The Food Net­work, Best West­ern Ho­tels and many others. When Daniel isn’t tak­ing pic­tures, he spends his time be­ing a hus­band and fa­ther and tak­ing small parts on net­work tele­vi­sion shows and movies; just to re­mind him­self of what it’s like on the oth­er side of the cam­era.


When she’s not busy be­ing the heart and soul of Trout­man Pho­tog­ra­phy, Clare spends her time be­ing a mom to three chil­dren and vol­un­teer­ing. She is the past pres­i­dent for the Jef­fer­son Ore­gon City Coun­cil and pre­vi­ous­ly served on the Ore­gon Pro­fes­sion­al Pho­tog­ra­phers As­so­ci­a­tion board. She loves teaching and involved in multiple nonprofits and business groups.


Email us with any questions -
or call 503-871-5505

... so talented and have such an artistic eye for capturing the perfect moment and emotion. You both are absolutely awesome!
— Cyndi R, Albany Oregon



Sexy Outfits for Boudoir

The age old question: “But what do I wear???”

Boudoir outfits are just like everything else - we’re drawing the eye to the parts of our body we love and showcasing our personality.

Lingerie sizing matters - beware items that are too big OR too small. Both make you appear larger than you are.