The Cooke Family

Family Pictures

After spending some time taking family pictures with the Cookes, I can safely say they are what the English would call a bunch of nutters.  They are slightly off-bubble in a very pleasant way.  It made working with them an absolute riot and at times I was laughing so hard that I could barely hold the camera still.  We all bounced around the back alleys of Albany cracking jokes, goofing around and generally being obnoxious.   We even took the time to blatantly rip off a Beatles album cover.  Why?  Well I’m not sure... but we were all laughing so hard and having such a good time that it doesn't really matter.  The family portraits turned out great and I can honestly say that this is one of those family picture sessions where the outtakes had me spitting coffee out of my nose.  This is why I love being a family photographer.  (Schedule your family pictures here)


I owe a big thanks to the Cookes for letting their guard down and just being themselves in front of the camera.   No stiff poses, no fake smiles,  just a bunch of goofballs and their dorky photographer having an absolute blast in the back streets of a town that has barred them all from ever returning.


Thanks for a great time you guys. We'll see you soon for little sis's senior pictures.

More Family Pictures


Daniel Troutman
Albany, OR

Daniel Troutman, an internationally published photographer, started his career in 1999. He began as a staff travel photographer, and now runs a retail studio in Albany, Oregon. His images have been published by some of the largest agencies in the world, including Newsweek, VH1 Music Television, The Food Network and Best Western Hotels.