Turner Senior Pictures

Cascade Senior Pictures

We were running around Cascade High School in Turner again last week. We're seeing a lot of sports seniors from there this year.  Nate is a runner, both long distance and track. He also spends a lot of time hunting with his family.

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Cascade High School Senior
Cascade High Senior

We started out at Cascade High, took pictures of the track, the stands and the school and then travel to his family's home for pictures for the yearbook. 

See more sports senior pictures

Nate's parents were great, and we had a wonderful time at their home. The pond was a great addition to Nate's pictures, it provided a great background to work with.

We met the dogs, and included them in several pictures.  They were "mostly" well behaved, but we love dogs.


hunting senior pictures

Best of luck for an amazing senior year Nate!

Clare Troutman

Clare Troutman
Albany, OR

Clare Troutman began her career in 1999 as a content editor for one of America’s first 360-degree imaging companies. There Clare earned her dot com veteran status and has since used that knowledge for small business start-ups, marketing, and project management. Clare has spent the last decade to help to elevate corporations, nonprofits, and Troutman Photography.