Buying the Disc

Clients buy discs for 4 reasons.
1) Cost - They hope to save money. 
2) Insecurity - Unsure of the best product choices, they put off making decisions.
3) Repetition - This is the way they’ve done it in the past.
4) Control - They want to know they can have additional copies down the road.

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Senior Pictures in Corvallis

We chose to photograph Cole's baseball images first because he wanted a strong gritty look and I knew that to do it right we were going to have to use studio strobes lighting.  Studio strobes are the greatest asset a photographer has (next to his/her brain of course).  With studio strobes you can basically change and override any natural light situation giving you maximum flexibility and creative control.  Cole's a pitcher so we sent him to the mound and began setting up two lights around him.

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